Wishing you luck, Elizabeth! You are amazing and so are your snowmen! How fabulous that Castle in the Attic will have a prequel and sequel -- and fingers crossed for a movie! But yes, I hear you about the rollercoaster!

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Thank you for all your amazing snowballs. Many years ago I read CITA to one of my third grade classes. They were so into that they wanted to write you letters asking for a class set, (very low budgeted school) that year. They were so excited when you responded to their letters. You sent my class the audio version of Battle for the castle. My class was impressed that a famous author took the time to respond to their letters. This is when your daughter had just had her twins, yes a few years ago. In a time when literature is taking a weird downward direction, your stories are capturing and entertaining without an agenda. Thank you for that for the kids. I always thought that CITA would be a great movie for kids. Best of luck with all your new snowballs. Thank you for all you do.

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