Great article about the reality of publishing. Congratulations for taking back the rights to this popular book, and will these rights eventually be transferable to your heirs?
Thanks for sharing this experience. Any information about the Wild West of publishing is important for me to learn about as I launch into my own process of using a hybrid publisher for my debut novel. Good for you to take bold action
Brava! I began writing 100-word memoir-essays only after a kaleidoscopic professional and personal life–which (as Joan MG can verify) gave me a lot of fodder. I am now looking at some these same issues (with no background of readers) and very much appreciate the sharing of your work experience, publishing and otherwise. Thanks.
Thanks for writing this. I understand this so much better. 4% or even 8% is absurd for the person whose work is making all of the money. Frustrating.
Really interesting, I'll have to read it again to take it in. Brexit has put British musicians in a terrible position but don't ask me to exlpain it.
Great decision to help change the status quo. Good luck and I look forward to hearing how it works out.
What a strange world we live in. Good for you for taking back the rights!
My grandson loved your back & it's great you are finding your own ways for it to continue to be read, & for the story to continue.
Great article about the reality of publishing. Congratulations for taking back the rights to this popular book, and will these rights eventually be transferable to your heirs?
What a frustrating story, and good for you for taking back your rights.
Thanks for sharing this experience. Any information about the Wild West of publishing is important for me to learn about as I launch into my own process of using a hybrid publisher for my debut novel. Good for you to take bold action
Brava! I began writing 100-word memoir-essays only after a kaleidoscopic professional and personal life–which (as Joan MG can verify) gave me a lot of fodder. I am now looking at some these same issues (with no background of readers) and very much appreciate the sharing of your work experience, publishing and otherwise. Thanks.
TYPO alert
I meant - my grandson loved your book!